July 02, 2005

currently reading: History of the World...

A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters by Julian Barnes, describing the red tape and rigidity of the process of loading the arc:

Some of the nobler species simply padded away into the forest, declining to survive on the insulting terms offered them by God and Noah, preferring extinction and the waves. harsh and envious words were spoken about fish; the ampibians began to look distinctly smug; birds practised staying in the air as long as possible. Certain types of monkeys were occasionally seen trying to construct crude rafts of their own.
I do believe I will actually finish a fiction book this summer! I definitely won't get through those e-books I said I would read earlier this summer. Maybe it's the media, maybe it's the content, but those e-books just didn't cut it for me. I think it's because you can't read e-books while on the toilet. Well, with the wonders of wireless internet, I guess you could, but I wouldn't.


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