July 05, 2005

( >^_^)> <(^_^< )

Alright--so a little research dug up that the first recorded emoticons came from message boards and email in universities when the Internet was beginning. These included the now-ubiquitous :-) and :-( . These are all read sideways, with the exception of umlaut faces. ö = :o The vertical faces, or verticons, are believed to have arisen from East Asia, due to their similarity to anime/manga faces. In addition, Asian keyboards have more characters, so more complex verticons are possible (plus, I believe Asians to be even more technology-crazy than Americans). Some examples from Wikipedia:

 (´・ω・`)  Deflated
 ( ´Д`)    Nonplussed, or panting
 ( ゚Д゚)    Semi-angry
┐('~`;)┌   Don't know the answer
 (´∀`)     Carefree
    ^^       Very happy
 < `∀´>     Stereotypical Korean character
 m(_ _)m     Bowing
  (`ヘ´)     Annoyed
 ( ´_ゝ`);  Snob
 Σ(゜д゜;)   Dumfounded
  (*´Д`)     Become sexually excited
"Stereotypical Korean character"??!! OMG!! THAT'S AWFUL (but so funny).


At 7/05/2005 09:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

argg... you beat me to it. I was going to do an article on japanese expressions that I use XDDD

... well I kinda have that already, but wanted to do a more formal one

At 7/05/2005 01:51:00 PM, Blogger Atom Mechanic said...

Interestingly wikipedia (article linked in this entry) classifies XD as a Western emoticon.

I'm not too sure where XDDDDDDDDDDDD came from though.

At 7/06/2005 03:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok true true, because it's sideways... but I use ^___________^ and -_______________-;; at lot... those are japanese. XD and =o are cute though. Western ones aren't as cute :-P (<-like that)

At 7/06/2005 04:10:00 PM, Blogger Atom Mechanic said...



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