I am the Seebonator
...from the year 2056. I have been sent back in time by George Bush IV (your George W. Bush has a secret test-tube baby) to accelerate the destruction of the environment. My vital benchmarks are as listed:
CATEGORY ACRES FOOD 5.9 MOBILITY 0 SHELTER 3 GOODS/SERVICES 2.7 TOTAL FOOTPRINT 12If everyone lived like me, we could go through 2.6 Earths. Thus, it is my mission, as decreed by George IV, to help you become more wasteful. Spending more than 15 minutes in the shower, leaving the lights on, using the air conditioning 24/7, and buying only products that are made in Asia are all good starts. If you score more than 5 Earths of waste on this quiz, then you win a free iPod, a lifetime supply of mochi, and 5 models of the new Seebonator x2057! Good luck, and may God continue to bless Jesusland, home of the SUV.
By 2056, you will. Ooooh will you ever believe in God.
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