November 08, 2004

got no jesus!

incubus was first rock concert ever and yeah, what they say about the deafening noise levels is true...i could feel my whole body oscillating. man, anyone who's been to a good rock concert must have believed alex and my Low Frequency Active Sonar class last year that claimed LFAS killed whales by powerful "deep bass" sound waves haha. but they were awesome performers and megalomaniac and i miss you were better in person than on cd/mp3. there were also some instrumental parts that aren't on their cds, and they are all really talented musicians, so that part was great. alas, back to reality today. and the reality: i have an 8 page paper due thursday. i have to register for classes. i have to get ready for my second math test (and my chance to redeem myself) next friday. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh..... I wanna stay inside I wanna stay inside for good........


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