October 23, 2004

a fresh start...

let me start by announcing...I need a new stand partner, hahahahah. No, not you joe, haha. I've got a fresh start on life. I no longer will find myself getting distracted in the middle of Prof Pilgrim presenting a key theorem in calc III. I will notice the beautiful campus that IU is as I travel from place to place. I will have fun with, not quite reckless abandon, but certainly less worry. And most importantly, I have the future chance to love again. Sure, that doesn't matter for the immediate future, but it'll be important in the future, I know it. Thank god for the new life, and thank god for the knowledge I've gained thus far. Did you know that I have a spot on my ear? I didn't either until tonight. I dunno, sometimes I'll want my old life back. Maybe later tonight, haha. But looking at it all objectively, this is a good day. And with this epiphany tonight combined with the LONG presentation at IUPUI today, I am exhausted. I guess I gotta sleep...but then, watch out world! siboster has been unleashed! btw my new email is siboster at gmail .com


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