May 31, 2006

In Honor of Jean Grey

The lab was too hot today. Robert said a fan broke. So I headed off to the nice, air-conditioned library. Back in elementary/middle school, I loved the library. I could pick up any book--from the Hardy Boys to dinosaur books, from Goosebumps to American history books. Today, as I was browsing the computers' shelf, I happened to see an unshelved book on the opposing shelf, The Science Behind Psi or something. It reported experiments conducted in the early and mid-90s that supported the idea that psyche (or psi) is separate from the brain, and is not restrained by the laws of spacetime. I admit, at first I thought No way! This stuff can't happen outside of the Star Wars Universe. In one experiment, a volunteer picked a card from a deck and tried to telepathically "send" the card to another volunteer in a different room. The receiver was wrong most of the times, but was still an order of magnitude better than random guessing. Then, they tried this with a robotic shuffler instead of a human sender. And the receiver was actually worse than random guessing by an order of magnitude! I think that experiment had some flaws, so I remained skeptical. But then I remembered my own psi experiences. Have you ever experienced deja vu? Because I think I have several times. I'll be eating at a restaurant I've never been too, and bam! Whoa! I've been here, eating this exact dish before...Did I dream this? Or have I eaten here before? Science and rationality argue that humans are essentially primates with larger, but not magical, brains. Science and rationality largely dominate my thinking process these days, but a shred of intuition lives on in my mind. Science has biased my mind against the feasibility of those phenomena that I wondered and read about as a kid. ESP? Telekinesis? Some god(s)? The Loch Ness Monster! Santa Claus?! Leave your thoughts; you can try sending them through telepathy too, but I can't promise that I'm a good receiver )()()(


At 6/01/2006 10:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/01/2006 03:06:00 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Monty Python - Deja Vu

At 6/03/2006 06:28:00 PM, Blogger Cassie said...

are there any spoilers in your blog about x-men 3? i still haven't seen it yet but i wanna read your entry...


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