November 15, 2004

AAA icebreaker [with annotations]

c'mon c'mon c'mon now ride that pony [two people "pony ride" around the circle of people, while everyone else sings] c'mon now ride that big fat pony c'mon c'mon c'mon now ride that pony and this is how we do it [the pony riders stop] front front front front dance [pony dancers "front dance" with whoever they stopped in front of regardless of sex] side side side side dance [pony dancers "side dance" kinda like shakira hip shaking] back back back back dance [pony dancers basically do the girl part of freak dancing. again, regardless of sex] and that is how we do it [repeat...the pony riders and the people they danced in front of switch roles] only prob right now is that what if someone is pony rider many times but someone else isn't? once that gets worked out, i smell a new speech warmup haha


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