April 20, 2006

Little 500 Weekend

Last year, I think I stayed in my dorm and watched anime for Little 500 Weekend. I had no idea what was going on outside. This year, I've realized that beneath Bloomington's patina of serentiy, on Little 500 Weekend, things get cARAZy. CRAZY! But I am being a good boy and getting some expeditious studying in. Well, I did hang out with some friends, and drop by some cookouts to grab free food (a caveat: food-scavanging is apparently considered impolite? But everyone's too drunk to hold a grudge against us vultures anyway). Maybe next year I'll let it all hang out and get crunked and pardyhardy 3 or 4 days of the week. Probably not though. I'm picking up a math major, and math classes are notoriously implacable--they want your soul, every weekend, even/especially the weekend before "dead week." Sigh. Maybe I should take it easy and have some more fun. I love being in school, but sometimes it gets a bit stressful. I feel like some itinerant, floating between schools, homes, whatever. I need to bond with IU. Time to switch majors to East Asian Studies and Exercise Science!


At 4/23/2006 01:28:00 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Or underwater basketweaving.

Or, better, underalcohol basketweaving.

Yes, that's much more acceptable (and marketable!).


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