college student survival manual
So my research group has started a "Baik Group Survival Manual" with all the necessary tips to get newbies started in the analytical research with such basics as setting up a supercomputing account on the AVIDD-Bloomington cluster. It's going to be a great manual to me, and so I've been inspired to help others in ways I am experienced in. Thus, I present the "college student survival manual" I'm not exactly sure how to set this all up, but I would like contributions from all my faithful blog readers about their little tricks to squeeze out a few pennies here and there. If they are IU students, IU-specific tips are welcome. If they are other college students, general college tips will have to do. If they are not in college, they can give general student tips. Please email me (, silin)with all your tips! They don't have to be well-written or organized. I'll edit all the ideas and format them to fit in a neat manual. Feel free to send in multiple emails as inspirations come to you! The tips don't all have to be serious, but they ought to be easily doable. None of the "sleep in the library" stuff, not all of us have the willpower of Bobst Boy. But, since I want as many tips as possible, if you are not sure about whether or not to submit a tip, just submit it to be safe, hehe. How well this manual turns out is up to you! Give as many submissions as you can, ask thrifty friends you know to contribute, etc. I will give credit to all contributors in the manual. I'm not sure when I'll have time to sit down and write down all of my own money tricks, but I'll say for now, that it is safe to say that the manual won't be completed before February 21st. Until then, send those tips in! Of course, the earlier the better. Again, send tips to my email, which is silin(esta] . If you post the tips as comments to this post, Blogger may eat your long comments and make them disappear or I may not find them. THANKS! Hopefully this will be a continually updated manual which can be spread among the cheapskate masses in the future! -sibo
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