moment of the day
Thanks to Kevin Wanzer ( I've decided that, more than anything else, this blog will be a record of my Moment of the Days. or Moments, depending. Yesterday's moment of the day? Well any public high schooler knows what is meant by the caste name of "goth." for the purposes of my blog, I'll just say it is the people who have light skin (sometimes, too pale to be healthy), dyed black hair, and all black clothes (usually long sleeves, long pants)--even when it is hot and muggy outside. Yesterday I saw an Asian student hanging out with Caucasian "goths". It was just funny because he didn't have to change his appearance hardly at all to fit the above criteria (sans the pale skin, of course). In fact, now that I think about it, I've probably worn all black on many days. But Asians who wear all black don't provoke the same reaction as Caucasians who do. It's the stark contrast between the pale skin and the dark clothing that I'm missing, am I right? So for halloween I'm gonna by some makeup and wear my speech pants with my black disco shirt.
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